Hughes TKD Picture Album
Master Hughes Promoting Mr. Houtz.
Alex Sinn and his parents with his new Motorcycle award!! Congrat Alex - Get a Helmet!!
Alex on his new Cycle
Alex witha great Flying Side Kick
Jim Gaylord finishing a tornado axe kick
Matthew Aller Flying throught he air.. Go Matty!
Mindy Breaking an Axe Kick
Mindy!! Wow Nice height!
Michele Aller Doing a Side kick
Matthew Been breaking with a elbow strike
Kevin Pudil with an intense Palm Strike!
Tommy Pudil with an elbow strike
Ashely's Elbow Strike!
Hughes TKD Picture Album
Here are few Pics fromthe last TKD test -
Great job by all!!
Congratualtions Alex on a great Black Belt Test!
Good Break Ashley