Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hughes TKD Picture Album

Master Hughes Promoting Mr. Houtz.

Alex Sinn and his parents with his new Motorcycle award!! Congrat Alex - Get a Helmet!!

Alex on his new Cycle

Alex witha great Flying Side Kick

Jim Gaylord finishing a tornado axe kick

Matthew Aller Flying throught he air.. Go Matty!

Mindy Breaking an Axe Kick

Mindy!! Wow Nice height!

Michele Aller Doing a Side kick

Matthew Been breaking with a elbow strike

Brian Been Smashing Lumber!

Kevin Pudil with an intense Palm Strike!

Tommy Pudil with an elbow strike

Ashely's Elbow Strike!

Hughes TKD Picture Album

Here are few Pics fromthe last TKD test -
Great job by all!!
Congratualtions Alex on a great Black Belt Test!

Good Break Ashley